"So we have looked at what Kierkegaard meant
by 'existential,' what he meant by 'subjective truth,' and what his concept of 'faith' was. These three concepts were
formulated as a criticism of philosophical tradition in general, and of Hegel in particular. But they also embodied
a trenchant 'social criticism.' The individual in modern urban society had become 'the public,' he said, and the predominant
characteristic of the crowd, or the masses, was all their noncommittal 'talk.' Today we would probably use the word
'conformity'; that is when everybody 'thinks' and 'believes in' the same things without having any deeper feeling about it."
"I wonder what Kierkegaard would have said
to Joanna's parents."
"He was not always kind in his judgments.
He had a sharp pen and a bitter sense of irony. For example, he could say things like 'the crowd in the untruth,' or
'the truth is always in the minority,' and that most people had a superficial approach to life."
-"Sophie's World" by Jostein Gaarder